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Eighth UN-REDD Executive Board Meeting

2-4 October 2024, King Faisal Room (D-263), FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Agenda ( English | French | Spanish )




The Chair will provide opening remarks to welcome and introduce the meeting.

Progress to date


Progress to date

This session will discuss progress and results to date, both on REDD+ in general and for the UN-REDD Programme in particular, reflecting on what that means for the future and how these accomplishments can inform future strategies.

Background document




Strategic Dialogue Session: Scaling up System Change for Forests


Strategic Dialogue Session: Scaling up System Change for Forests

This session will engage the EB and invited external partners (connected virtually) in a strategic dialogue focused on the systems-level context, challenges, and outlook for REDD+ from 2026-2030. This will include an exchange of lessons learned from evaluations of major REDD+ institutions and the opportunities and challenges for REDD+ to 2030.

To enrich the quality and interactivity of the dialogue we will test the use of cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities to gather insights from all participants and analyze discussion in real time. Please login to this page to post your comments, inputs, reflections at any time during the session



Networking and social activity


Networking and social activity

Networking event at FAO Terrace.

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Agenda ( English | French | Spanish )




UN-REDD Programme Formative Review


UN-REDD Programme Formative Review

This session will present the key findings and conclusions from the UN-REDD Formative Review, drawing on evidence collected from a review of earlier evaluations, consultations from across the three UN-REDD implementing agencies and the UN-REDD Secretariat, and from a selection of external stakeholders (donors, country participants, civil society). This session will aim to draw insights that will inform the discussion on the 2026-30 Strategy. It will provide the opportunity to address the diagnostic on the context, problem analysis, theory of change and the assumptions.

Background document


UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy – Overview


UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy – Overview

This session will provide an overview of the UN-REDD strategy, giving special emphasis to the Theory of Change, Vision and Goal of the Strategy, and the principles underlying the cross-cutting elements.

Background document





UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy – Outcomes


UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy – Outcomes

These sessions will provide a summary of the four outcomes noted in the Results (Section 3.0) of the 2026-2030 Strategy. Each session will address challenges and opportunities, UN-REDD’s contribution to tangible progress at the global, regional, and/or country level including indicative outputs, and initial Board reflections and exchange.

Background document

The sessions include one break of 30min and a lunch break (13:15 – 14:15)

Networking and social activity


Networking and social activity

Guided tour of Terme di Caracalla and dinner at Casa del Jazz garden 

Friday, 4 October 2024

Agenda ( English | French | Spanish )

UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy - Implementation


UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy - Implementation

This session will provide an overview of proposed delivery modalities, partnerships, funding framework, and initial Board reflections and exchange.

Background document




Reflections and way forward


Reflections and way forward

This will be an open session providing the opportunity for integrated reflection and discussions on the previous sessions and implications for UN-REDD’s future Strategy.




Reflections and way forward (continued)


Reflections and way forward (continued)

Next steps


Next steps

During this session, the discussion will shift from reflections to forward planning for the next 15 months, including the roadmap for finalizing the strategy and preparing for COP30.




Formative Review UN-REDD Emerging Insights ( English )
UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy Overview ( English )
UN-REDD 2026-30 Strategy Overview - Gender and Social Inclusion ( English )
UN-REDD 2026-30 Strategy Overview - Communication, Convening, Advocacy, and KM ( English )
UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy Outcome 1 Integrity ( English )
UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy Outcome 2 Finance ( English )
UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy Outcome 3 Ambition ( English )
UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy Outcome 4 Results ( English )
UN-REDD Progress to Date ( English )
UN-REDD 2026-30 Draft Strategy - Implementation ( English )
Logistics Note ( English )
Formative Review UN-REDD Emerging Insights ( English | French | Spanish )
Zoom link for UN-REDD Eight Executive Board Meeting ( English )
Background note for UN-REDD Strategic Dialogue ( English )
UN-REDD Annual Report 2023 ( English )
Concept Note UN-REDD Formative Review ( English )
UN-REDD 2026-2030 Draft Strategy ( English French Spanish )
UN-REDD 2023 Annual Report Executive Summary ( English )
UN-REDD 2024 Semi Annual Progress Report ( English )
Pricing Forest Carbon Report ( English )