Forests are home to80%of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity.
31%of the planet's land is covered by forests.
An estimated50%of the fruits we eat comes from trees.
Trees have medicinal value: more than25%originate from tropical forest plants
Forests provide more than86million green jobs.
Fun facts
Trees are the longest living organisms on Earth
California holds the record for the oldest living trees. Some of the state’s bristlecone pines and giant sequoias are 4,000-5,000 years old. Methuselah, an estimated 4,852-year-old ancient Bristlecone Pine, is one of the oldest living trees in the world.
Some trees have been to the moon.
“Moon trees'' were grown from seeds taken to the moon during the Apollo 14 mission in early 1971. NASA and the US Forest Service wanted to see if the moon’s orbit caused the seeds to grow differently back on earth. These trees were donated to state forestry services in 1975 and 1976.
Trees are able to communicate and defend themselves against attacking insects.
Scientists have found that trees can flood their leaves with chemicals called phenolics when the insects begin their raid. They can also signal danger to other trees so they can start their own defense. Willow trees, for example, emit certain chemicals when they’re attacked by webworms. Other willows then produce more tannin, making their leaves harder for the pests to digest.
Regular access to green space makes you more resilient and happy
Forests are the fastest, cheapest, and most immediate climate solution
Healthy forest means healthy people
Every tree counts
Just one teaspoon of healthy soil is home to more living organisms than there are people on the planet.