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Our Strategy


High-quality results


Social and environmental integrity


Social inclusion

The UN-REDD Programme works towards 4 Outcomes, guided by its 2021-2025 framework, to reduce forest emissions and enhance forest carbon stocks while contributing to national sustainable development

Outcome 1. Forest solutions realised

Forest-based emission reductions and enhanced removals, of increasing quality (accuracy, certainty and permanence), unlocked at a level of 1 GtCO2 e per year.

Outcome 3. Forest solutions enhanced

More than 15 countries enhance significantly the forest component of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the 2020-2025 cycle, including quantitative targets

Outcome 2. Forest solutions rewarded

Enabling USD 5 bn mobilised for REDD+ from results-based payment (RBP) schemes, carbon markets and other transactions under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Outcome 4. Connecting actors and knowledge for forest solutions

Forests and REDD+ catalyse a global, transformative Nature-based Solutions (NbS) movement to accelerate climate action.


Results framework 2021-2025

Forest-based emission reductions and enhanced removals, of increasing quality (accuracy, certainty and permanence), unlocked at a level of 1 GtCO2e per year


1.1. Countries and jurisdictions implement REDD+ investment plans/programmes to deliver their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
  • Support transformational cross-sectoral policy design and implementation
  • Promote financing arrangements for scaled up REDD+ action
  • Support design and implementation of integrated land use policies and plans
  • Integrate indigenous peoples’ and local community’s development plans into REDD+ programmes
  • Align and leverage REDD+ finance for COVID-19 recovery
  • Integrate and connect REDD policies and actions across geographical scales and ensure integrity of emission reduction accounting
1.2. Forest landscape restoration and forest carbon stock enhancement accelerated
  • Scale up investment and action in forest landscape restoration
  • Develop national standards for sustainable and legal forest management
  • Support local income-generating restoration activities for vulnerable groups
  • Support the design and implementation of pest and integrated fire management practices
1.3. Deforestation-free commodity supply chains developed
  • Reform and align economic incentives to reduce deforestation from commodity value chains
  • Provide evidence-based inputs on policy approaches, management and reporting for deforestation-free supply chains
  • Redirect public and private capital to finance deforestation-free commodities
  • Include deforestation-free standards in commodity platforms across multiple scales
  • Pilot public-private partnerships in deforestation-free supply chains
1.4. Countries enabled to measure high-quality and accurate activity data, emission factors, emissions and emission reductions with policy-relevant monitoring systems
  • Ensure accuracy, environmental integrity and overall quality of results
  • Provide technical assistance for the continuous improvement of national forest monitoring systems
  • Support development of carbon accounting frameworks, procedures and tools
  • Support resource-efficient solutions for data collection, management and analysis, enhanding accesibility and transparency
  • Support generation of policy relevant information and assessments of past actions and policies
1.5. Safeguards addressed, respected, monitored and reported throughout the implementation of REDD+ actions
  • Strengthen policies, procedures and institutional capacities to address and respect safeguards
  • Improve SIS operations to compile, manage and analyse safeguards information
  • Ensure a broad range of environmental and social non-carbon benefits
  • Mainstream gender across the REDD+ cycles

Enabling USD 5 bn mobilised for REDD+ from results-based payment (RBP) schemes, carbon markets and other transactions under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement


2.1. RBPs accessed for measured, reported and verified REDD+ results
  • Help countries meet eligibility requirements for, and access to, RBPs from multiple sources
  • Inform the revision of existing, and design of new, scaled-up RBP programmes
  • Provide advice on inclusive and gender-responsive approaches to the equitable use of RBP proceeds
  • Establish virtuous cycles of high-quality mitigation results and access to payments
2.2. Market transactions for forest carbon facilitated
  • Help countries meet eligibility requirements of ART-TREES and entry into emerging carbon markets
  • Conduct carbon market readiness assessments and create synergies across carbon finance options
  • Clarify rights related to emission reductions titles
  • Provide evidence-based inputs to standard-setting initiatives
2.3. Private-sector forest carbon investments mobilised
  • Identify and connect private companies committed to invest in forest-based solutions
  • Stimulate private sector investment in forest-based solutions of high environmental integrity
  • Facilitate partnerships between countries and private sector to scale up investment into REDD+

More than 15 countries enhance significantly the forest component of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the 2020-2025 cycle, including quantitative targets


3.1 NDCs mitigation actions in the forest and landuse sectors assessed, accelerated and enhanced through time
  • Facilitate policy coordination and multi-stakeholder dialogues for enhanced forest-related targets
  • Scope financing and investment opportunities for the implementation of forest components
  • Support expansion of forest and land-use coverage in NDC scope
  • Capitalise on synergies between REDD+ finance and enhanced ambition of NDC forest components
  • Facilitate stakeholder inclusion in forest and land use aspects of NDC process

Forests and REDD+ catalyse a global, transformative Nature-based Solutions (NbS) movement to accelerate climate action


4.1. Knowledge on how to scale up REDD+ implementation is captured, managed and disseminated to accelerate climate action
  • Produce knowledge and communication products on solutions related to Outcomes 1-3
  • Maintain an online repository and collaborative platform as a hub for knowledge management
  • Convene South-South, regional and global webinars and knowledge exchange events on REDD+
  • Service communities of technical practise under Outcomes 1-3
  • Integrate social inclusion and gender equality in knowledge management and communications
4.2. Collective political and societal support to NbS increased
  • Connect, convene and capacitate global champions and leaders to accelerate ambition on NbS
  • Strengthen the recognition and inclusion of the knowledge of indigenous peoples and youth in NbS
  • Support global and regional NbS networks and initiatives
  • Conduct targeted global and regional public advocacy campaigns to advance NbS
4.3 Digital cooperation and frontier technologies deployed to accelerate and enhance NbS
  • Promote frontier technologies and use of big data to support NbS movement
  • Support digital cooperation platforms and processes to provide NbS knowledge
  • Facilitate partnerships between NbS networks and technology leaders
  • Identify frontier technology solutions to accelerate systemic change in land management
  • Assess barriers to digital cooperation and virtual engagement among marginalised groups

Results Framework


Monitoring & Evaluation Framework



