REDD+ Academy
The REDD+ Academy is the UN-REDD Programme's capacity development initiative. As part of the Programme's knowledge management support to partner countries, it seeks to enable systematic, focused capacity development to deliver REDD+ on the ground. The REDD+ Academy currently offers two online courses (second edition 2018) in English, French, and Spanish, to which you can subscribe for free. You can also choose to download the lessons in pdf and study the course offline at your own pace.
Online course
English Online Courses
Fundamentals on REDD+ covers the basics of REDD+, from the elements required under the UNFCCC to how to prepare and implement REDD+ at the national level including financial resource available. It is structured into 6 modules, and each module takes around 2 to 3 hours to complete.
While how to prepare and implement REDD+ at the national level through a National Strategy or Action Plan was covered in the course Fundamentals on REDD+, Advancing on REDD+ discusses in more detail the other three REDD+ elements, to which it adds the importance of engaging in the process the relevant stakeholders and the principles of a good governance. It is structured into 6 modules, and each module takes around 2 to 3 hours to complete.
French Online Course
Les principes fondamentaux de la REDD+ couvrent les bases du programme, des conditions requises par la CCNUCC sur la façon de préparer et de mettre en œuvre la REDD+ au niveau national aux ressources financières disponibles. Ce cours s’articule autour de six modules.
Tandis que le cours sur Les principes fondamentaux de la REDD+ étudie comment préparer et mettre en œuvre la REDD+ au niveau national par le biais d’une Stratégie national ou Plan d’action, le cours Approfondir la REDD+ présente, de manière plus détaillée, les trois autres éléments composants de la REDD+, auxquels s’ajoutent l’importance de l’engagement des parties prenantes concernées dans le processus ainsi que les principes d’une bonne gouvernance.
Spanish Online Course
Los principios sobre REDD+ analiza los aspectos básicos de REDD+, desde los elementos necesarios con arreglo a la CMNUCC hasta cómo preparar e implementar el Programa REDD+ a nivel nacional incluidos los recursos financieros disponibles.
El curso Nociones Básicas de REDD+ se refiere a cómo preparar e implementar la iniciativa REDD+ a nivel nacional a través de una Estrategia Nacional o Plan de Acción y el curso nivel avanzado de REDD+ analiza con más detalle los otros tres elementos de REDD+, a los que añade la importancia de hacer participar en el proceso a las partes interesadas pertinentes y los principios de una buena gestión.
Learning Journals
English Learning Journals
French Learning Journals
Spanish Learning Journals
The REDD+ Academy Learning Journals are continuously being improved. We encourage feedback at academy@un-redd.org
- Module 1: Climate Change and the Role of Forests
- Module 2: Understanding of REDD+ and the UNFCCC
- Module 3: Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation
- Module 4: Policies and Measures for REDD+ Implementation
- Module 5: National Strategies and Action Plans
- Module 6: REDD+ Finance
- Module 1: National Forest Monitoring Systems for REDD+
- Module 2: Forest Reference Emission Levels (FRELs)
- Module 3: REDD+ Safeguards under the UNFCCC
- Module 4: Approaches for the Allocation of Incentives
- Module 5: Stakeholder Engagement in REDD+
- Module 6: Good Governance
- Module 1 : Les forêts, la séquestration de carbone et le changement climatique
- Module 2 : Comprendre la REDD+ et la CCNUCC
- Module 3 : Les facteurs de la déforestation et de la dégradation des forêts
- Module 4 : Les politiques et mesures en faveur de la mise en œuvre de REDD+
- Module 5 : Les stratégies nationales et les plans d’action
- Module 6 : Le financement de REDD+
- Module 1 : Les Systèmes nationaux de surveillance des forêts pour les besoins de la REDD+
- Module 2 : Les Niveaux d’émission de référence des forêts (NERF)
- Module 3 : Les garanties REDD+ au titre de la CCNUCC
- Module 4 : Attribution des incitations – approches à adopter
- Module 5 : Engagement des parties prenantes à la REDD+
- Module 6 : Une bonne gouvernance
- Modulo 1: El bosque, la absorción de carbono y el cambio climático
- Modulo 2: Entender REDD+ y la CMNUCC
- Modulo 3: Las causas de deforestación y la degradación forestal
- Modulo 4: Las políticas y las medidas ejecutivas de REDD+
- Modulo 5: Las estrategias y los planes de acción nacionales
- Modulo 6: La financiación de REDD+
- Modulo 1: Sistemas nacionales de supervisión forestal para REDD+
- Modulo 2: Niveles de Referencia de Emisiones Forestales (NREF)
- Modulo 3: Salvaguardas de REDD+ en virtud de la CMNUCC
- Modulo 4: Enfoques para la asignación de incentivos
- Modulo 5: Participación de las partes interesadas en REDD+
- Modulo 6: Buena gestión
The aim of the REDD+ Academy is to build the knowledge base for REDD+ readiness and implementation, in particular for REDD+ decision-makers from sectors outside of forestry/environment.
The development of the REDD+ Academy represents a comprehensive response to capacity building needs identified by UN-REDD Programme partner countries. Accordingly, the design of the REDD+ Academy is guided by the following principles:
- Engage new REDD+ practitioners in key policy and economic sectors relevant for reducing deforestation and forest degradation;
- Build on existing REDD+ capacity development initiatives;
- Ensure the delivery of a long-term and sustainable learning experience;
- Adopt a demand-driven, region-specific approach to training tied to REDD+ implementation;
- Facilitate South-South cooperation;
- Focus on the national level: Training of Trainers (ToT) approach used during regional sessions, with the aim to cascade the REDD+ Academy to the national level;
- Provide a core body of knowledge uniform across all regions (the 12 Learning Journals), while national sessions can be customized to address country-specific priorities.
- Interactive face-to-face training based on group activities and sharing of country experiences (See Facilitator’s Notes here).
- Training of trainers (ToT) through dedicated training delivery practice sessions, aimed at providing presentation and facilitation skills (See Facilitator’s Notes and related ToT section here)
- Partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to develop a methodology based on adult learning techniques
- The face-to-face REDD+ Academy sessions last from 6-10 days and provide overviews of key REDD+ issues. Participation in face-to-face REDD+ Academy sessions is by invitation only and limited to participants from UN-REDD Programme partner countries, while the broader REDD+ community can to participate in the online REDD+ Academy course, launched in November 2015.
The design and delivery of the REDD+ Academy is led by a Steering Committee composed of UN Environment, UNDP and FAO. The work of the Steering Committee is supported by an Advisory Group composed of partners engaged in UN-REDD Programme delivery and REDD+ capacity building including: CIFOR, Climate and Development Knowledge Network, Conservation International, Environmental Defense Fund, European Commission, Global Canopy Program, IUFRO, UNFCCC, UNITAR, UNORCID, World Bank and WWF.
Funding for the design and initial delivery of the REDD+ Academy has been provided by the Government of Norway. The UN-REDD Programme and the UNEP Environmental Education and Training Unit/DEPI are coordinating the REDD+ Academy process. This also draws upon the Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability (GUPES), which currently reaches out to over 680 University partners across the globe.
Frequently Asked Questions
The REDD+ Academy is a UN-REDD Programme knowledge tool that supports partner countries to develop the capacities needed to develop and implement REDD+ initiatives that realize results-based payments for results-based actions.
Participation in the face-to-face sessions is by invitation-only for UN-REDD Programme partner countries. The online version of the REDD+ Academy is open to all REDD+ practitioners worldwide and can be accessed here.
Twelve key REDD+ topics have been identified through a series of REDD+ Academy design workshops held in 2014 in Asia-Pacific, Africa and LAC, involving 80 participants from 35 UN-REDD partner countries, as well as representatives of IPs and CSOs, Norway, and UNDP, UNEP and FAO. Following these consultations, the REDD+ Academy curriculum includes the following topics:
- Forest, Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change (access the Learning Journal here)
- Understanding REDD+ and the UNFCCC (access the Learning Journal here)
- Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation (access the Learning Journal here)
- National Strategies and Action Plans (access the Learning Journal here)
- National Forest Monitoring Systems (access the Learning Journal here)
- Forest Reference Emission Levels (access the Learning Journal here)
- Policies and Measures (PAMs) for REDD+ Implementation (access the Learning Journal here)
- REDD+ Safeguards under the UNFCCC (access the Learning Journal here)
- REDD+ Finance (access the Learning Journal here)
- Approaches for Allocation of Incentives (access the Learning Journal here)
- Introduction to Stakeholder Engagement (access the Learning Journal here)
- Good Governance (access the Learning Journal here)