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Climate change mitigation through social forestry in ASEAN countries

The UN-REDD Programme supports ASEAN member states to strengthen capacities to assess the potential contribution of social forestry management schemes towards climate change mitigation, develop the required monitoring systems suitable to local context and establish finance solutions for social forest mitigation efforts.

The UN-REDD Programme supports ASEAN member states to strengthen capacities to assess the potential contribution of social forestry management schemes towards climate change mitigation, develop the required monitoring systems suitable to local context and establish finance solutions for social forest mitigation efforts.



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Why social forestry?


Forests and trees play a significant role in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).



Social forestry is widely recognized within ASEAN as a viable and positive approach for achieving sustainable forest management.


The connection between forest-dependent communities and climate change mitigation is often still loose or not evident.


The evidence base for social forestry needs to be built in order to attract finance, and scale the implementation of social forestry as part of NDCs.



In ten years time, the number of hectares managed under social forestry doubled in ASEAN member states to 13.8 million hectares of forest in 2020


"This initiative works with ASEAN member states to strengthen the evidence base for climate mitigation contributions of social forestry, facilitate integration in NDCs, and enhance climate finance opportunities"


Mario Boccucci
Head, UN-REDD Secretariat

In Focus





(available soon)                                                                                                                                   




 (available soon)                                                                                                                                  




Expected Outcomes


  • Enhanced capacities to assess and monitor social forestry contribution to the Nationally Determined Contributions.
  • Integration of social forestry into climate change mitigation and promotion of responsible private investments in social forestry.
  • Enhanced ability to quantify benefits, connect partners and operationalise Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approach in the context of social forestry.








The UN-REDD ASEAN Social Forestry and NDC initiative will be implemented with a number of other partners at the national and regional level.

  • National governments
    Forest administrations, ministries of agriculture and environment, ministries of planning, and others.
  • Private and public companies
    Engaging with the private sector to support for social forestry programmes and climate change mitigation
  • Forest-dependent communities
    Working with communities to asses and scale mitigation contribution of different social forestry model
  • Other Partners
    The project partners with RECOFTC (the centre for people and forests) at regional level.