Launch event of the UN-REDD Technical Assistance: Climate change mitigation through social forestry actions in ASEAN countries
The launch event of the UN-REDD Technical Assistance: Climate change mitigation through social forestry actions in ASEAN countries (UN-REDD ASEAN Social Forestry Initiative) was held on 29th June 2022, virtually.
Funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation within the framework of their contribution to the UN-REDD Programme, the initiative is implemented jointly by FAO and UNEP, in collaboration with the ASEAN secretariat, RECOFTC and other partners.
The Initiative is working with ASEAN member states to strengthen the evidence base for climate mitigation contributions of social forestry, facilitate integration in National Determined Contributions (NDCs), and enhance climate finance opportunities. Specific activities in Cambodia, Indonesia and Lao PDR are foreseen.
Watch the recording here