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Joint Implementation Mechanism (JI)


A facility created under the Kyoto Protocol, which allows an Annex I party to fund and/or run a project to reduce emissions in another Annex I party. The funding country can then apply the emissions reductions generated to help it to meet its own emissions target under the Kyoto Protocol (as opposed to projects located in non-Annex I countries as in the CDM).


"Glossary and Abbreviations", Barnsley, Ingrid, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) 2009, "UNUIAS Guide, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD): A Guide for Indigenous Peoples." January 2009

Alternative definition

A mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol through which a developed country can receive "emissions reduction units" when it helps to finance projects that reduce net greenhouse-gas emissions in another developed country (in practice, the recipient state is likely to be a country with an "economy in transition"). An Annex I Party must meet specific eligibility requirements to participate in joint implementation.