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Fighting for women and nature: the Story of Chebet Lesan

Blog | Mon, 08 Mar, 2021 · 7 min read
Fighting for women and nature: the Story of Chebet Lesan

Get inspired by Chebet to commemorate this year's International Women's Day.

When Chebet Lesan received the Queen’s Young Leaders Awards from Queen Elisabeth 2 at Buckingham Palace in 2017, it wasn’t her first, or her last, award. Before that, she had been awarded by President Obama to take part in the Young African Leaders Initiative Fellowship. And later, she was chosen as one of three African finalists for the Cartier Women’s Initiative.

Fighting for women and nature: the Story of Chebet Lesan

After graduating from Nairobi University with a degree in international development design, she received an invitation from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to be part of their D-lab program, where promising design students from around the world came together in Tanzania to develop a solution to a local problem using local materials.

This was a life changing program for Chebet. Remembering her grandmother‘s small hut, constantly filled with smoke from cooking, she decided her goal was to improve women’s lives by creating something that would help them. Indoor air pollution from the toxic fumes of charcoal has a devastating impact on the respiratory health of women. The daily smoke intake of women, like Chebet’s grandmother, equals the inhalation of 40 cigarettes and is linked to acute lower respiratory infections and many other diseases. According to the World Health Organization, this results in the deaths of 4 million women annually, more than TB, HIV and malaria combined.

But it’s not just about women. In Kenya, over 80% of the population uses firewood and wood-derived charcoal for cooking. This is one of the key reasons for deforestation, leaving the country with just 7.4% forest cover.


Deforestation is costing the Kenyan economy millions of dollars each year and increases the water shortage risk. Chebet wanted to design something that would make a difference to the lives of women and to the country’s forests.

Back in Kenya, with funding and coaching from MIT, she set up a company called Bright Green to develop machines that take farm waste, such as the remains of maize stalks or leftovers from sugar cane, coffee husks, macadamia nuts and flour waste, and turn them into affordable, clean, safe and eco-friendly charcoal briquettes for cooking.

After Chebet started producing these briquettes, which have high heat value and emit no smoke, she received interest from hotels and restaurants eager to buy them. But her aim was to make a difference in the lives of women from low income communities. She wanted a social impact.

Again, MIT stepped in to help her find a way to reach the poorest of the poor. She approached 40 women who were running kiosks in local markets and convinced them to work with her.

She organized training sessions with both men and women, explaining to them the product and the money they could make by selling it. She also understood that she had to rebrand her product packaging to make it look more refined. Her sellers now dressed in fancy aprons brandishing the name of the product, Moto Briquettes. And at 50 Kenyan shillings for one kilo, her product was half the cost of charcoal.

“At the moment, 30% of Bright Green Renewable Energy’s products are sold to the women. Of course, we would make more money by concentrating on big businesses, but that would be beside the point,” says Chebet. “Selling 70% to hotels and restaurants is what allows us the profit necessary to sell to the kiosks, where my margin is much lower. But that’s where my heart lies, in improving the lives of these customers.”

Transforming agricultural waste into clean energy is one vital approach to restoring ecosystems as it allows forests and woodlands to recover. “The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration starts later this year, and by supporting the achievement of ambitious plans for both restoration and conservation of forests in developing countries, UN-REDD aims to play its part in making the decade a success, “says Lera Miles, Principal Technical Specialist – Planning for Places at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) World Conservation Monitoring Centre.