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Progress against the Warsaw Framework

To bring together results of work in 2015 and 2016, Malawi hosted a national REDD+ conference with the aim of reviewing actions on the REDD+ Action Plan and to present the REDD+ Strategy Development Roadmap. It brought together approximately 70 participants. The roadmap draws on previously developed deliverables: an NFMS roadmap, an institutional context analysis, a stakeholder engagement and participation strategy and a corruption risk assessment. With UN-REDD Programme support, the results of work for a review of the legal and policy environment and a tenure analysis were presented to stakeholders and approved by the Forest Department for publication prior to the event.

Challenges and solutions

With the reduction in the UN-REDD Programme’s assistance to Malawi, other donors have stepped in to support components of the country’s REDD+ strategy and allow for some continuity. Notably, the USAID-funded PERFORM Project includes a component on REDD+ forest monitoring and governance and, thanks to effective collaboration and information sharing, is following up on some of the recommendations developed with UN-REDD Programme support.