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Roundup Newsletter | Sat, 01 Feb, 2020 · 2 min read

February 2020 - Special Edition: Viet Nam's REDD+ Journey

In 2020, UN-REDD will celebrate 12 years of supporting countries with transformational change in the forestry and land use sectors. This special issue is dedicated to sharing key lessons learned from Viet Nam's REDD+ journey as one of the Programme’s original nine pilot countries.

With the completion of the four Warsaw Framework pillars at the close of its National Programme in 2018 – including the launch of one of the world’s first fully operational online safeguards information systems (SIS), the approval of its National REDD+ Implementation Plan, an operational National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) and updated Forest Reference Emission Level/Forest Reference Level - Viet Nam is now looking to further operationalise REDD+ on the ground.

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