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UN-REDD Programme learning lab: financing with integrity for Latin America and the Caribbean's forests and climate

Workshop | -

The REDD+ Learning Lab 'Financing with integrity for Latin America and the Caribbean's forests and climate' is organized by The Ministry of Environment of Peru (MINAM) together with the UN-REDD Programme, formed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), thanks to the financial support from the Korea Forest Service. The event will take place in Lima, Peru from 27-29 August this year.

The objective of the REDD+ Learning Lab will be to bring together key practitioners, thematic experts and relevant stakeholders related to REDD+ implementation in the region to strengthen their knowledge through South-South collaboration, and to discuss and advance critical issues for scaling up REDD+ finance with integrity.


LAC learning Lab agenda  


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