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Forest and Land use Day

Conference Side Event | -

UNEP works to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, as well as preserve other land uses including through wetland conservation and grassland restoration, to conserve rich biodiverse territories. This day will focus on scaling robust solutions that protect, restore and effectively manage natural ecosystems and forests, address drivers of nature loss, empower Indigenous Peoples and local communities, and create resilient livelihoods.

9:15 - 10:00
The Big Nature Turnaround: Repurposing $7 Trillion Financing Nature’s Loss

The State of Finance for Nature (SFN) is an annual report that monitors global financial flows related to Nature-based Solutions (NbS). It assesses the investment required to limit global warming below 1.5°C, halt biodiversity loss, and achieve land degradation neutrality. The upcoming 2023 report, to be unveiled at this event, introduces a significant enhancement from the first two editions by examining private financial flows that adversely impact nature, alongside the public harmful subsidies uncovered in 2022. SFN 2023 provides a comprehensive understanding of both public and private financial contributions to NbS within the broader economic context, encompassing both nature-negative and nature-positive financial flows. 


  • Heike Henn, Director for Climate, Energy and Environment and Commissioner for Climate Policy and Climate Financing, Germany
  • Carina Pimenta, National Secretary for Bioeconomy, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Brazil 
  • Niki Mardas, Executive Director, Global Canopy 
  • Mirey Atallah, Head, Nature for Climate Branch, UNEP (moderator)

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